War Fighting Roles: The USAF at War—Prelude US Air Force: Briefing
War Fighting Roles—The USAF at War—Prelude

With this vast array of weaponry at its disposal, with aircraft types tailored to meet a wide variety of roles, how then does the US Air Force intend fighting a battle? Of course, each battle and each enemy would have its own peculiarities, but peacetime planning centers around certain tactical concepts that can be adapted to meet all potential scenarios. Such planning also mirrors changes to potential threats during peacetime, and requires a constant vigil by reconnaissance aircraft and other intelligence-gathering platforms to keep abreast of military advances in nations likely to be future enemies of the United States.

Indeed, the reconnaissance effort is the first and last act of any war, preceding and following any actual conflict by some considerable time. As has been mentioned, during times of peace strategic reconnaissance aircraft are in constant action to monitor military changes in potentially hostile nations. If tensions rise, the reconnaissance effort is stepped up so that aircraft such as the U-2R and RC-135 may be in action around the clock to prevent any surprises occurring and to compile an accurate order of battle of the opposing side.

As relations worsen, so attention turns to individual potential targets, plotting their positions as precisely as possible so that they can be accurately attacked should the need arise. Immediately before a shooting match appears likely the traditional tactical reconnaissance types may be used to provide detailed imagery of certain targets, although obtaining such intelligence would be seen as an open escalation of hostilities. Throughout any action that may follow, both strategic and tactical reconnaissance aircraft would fly to maintain the flow of information to the US command, with targeting and post-strike intelligence becoming of prime importance. Communications and electronic intelligence gathering, a valuable peacetime exercise, would assume new importance as US forces attempted to break down defense networks and divine the intentions of the enemy.

Another force active before any actual fighting occurred would be the fighters, which would begin mounting combat air patrols to secure friendly airspace and deter any aggression by air. E-3 Sentries would stand round-the-clock watches of enemy airspace to detect any impending attack, and the E-8 J-STARS may be brought in to monitor ground forces across the border.